The Manitoba Music Curriculum has four sections. Try to touch on each section in your music learning, but don't worry about dedicating the same amount of time to each! If one part is your favourite, focus on that!
The "nuts and bolts" of singing or playing an instrument. Try reading rhythms, reading notes, or if you have an instrument and home, try learning to play it! Don't forget, the voice is an instrument everyone has!
The creation of your very own brand new music. Explore some sites like Chrome Music Lab to create your own music. Or just grab and instrument, or your voice, and start creating music! Creating doesn't have to be complicated. Take a song you already know and give it new words, or try singing the words to a song you know to the melody of a totally different song! Let me know what you come up with!
This is the exploring of context in which music is made. What was happening in Beethoven's life that caused him to scratch out the title of his 3rd symphony? This also means connecting music to your own life. Listen to a piece of music and think about how it makes you feel, and why? Write a story that the music you listened to could be the soundtrack of. Think of a memory and find the perfect song to match it. Make a word web of descriptive words for your favourite song. There are lots of ways to connect to music!
This is the analysis of music made by someone else. This can be done by listening to music actively (not just as background noise) and describing what you hear. Have a family member write a short song, and ask; how could we improve this? Add a coffee-can drum? Change the lyrics? You be the teacher!